Life Lessons From a Memorial Service.

Yesterday 30th November 2017 I happened to attend a memorial service for a close friend’s uncle that passed away because of a long illness, to be precise cancer. As usual the mood is always sad for everyone and very few people if any are really present in that moment like I decided to be. We had 5 speeches and then the reverend preaching. I would like to chat about the speeches that stood out for me. The son’s Speech He said and I quote,” Mum thank you for looking after Dad, all of you seating hear know that dad was a very principled man and liked all his things in a certain way” but mum has been very patient with him and did exactly that. He is a singer so concluded by singing the Amazing grace hymn for his father as he fought so had to hold back his tears. Then the Fathers Union speech I don’t recall much but after their speech they covered the coffin with a cloth to symbolise that he was a member of the father’s union an...