Inner Circle

How is your strategy for the new week asked my friend yesterday? ……… hmm for a moment I stopped to think about it and asked myself whether I should be honest with this friend and how he even knew to ask this question as he usually never asked. Oh well, I proceeded to be honest and I quote…..’This week I am blocking and deleting all my friends that are not playing as building blocks in my life, especially in the direction I want to be Then he laughed and proceeded to say Nice!!! Which I interpreted as it was a good idea. I further informed him…….that I needed to review my inner circle…… those 5 people closest to me and how their lives looked at the moment . Are they where I am or want to be? Are they more about feeding on me than I am feeding on them? As Bishop T.D.Jakes once said …. That if you’re the brightest in your inner circle or if your friends feed/benefit from you more always than you benefit from them….. then you need to change your circle immediately. You should...