I personally can’t begin to comprehend how these days I detest anyone asking me this question as we all carelessly, unknowingly use this phrase every day, every second of the day around each other.

Because if truly I were to tell them how I really am! They will not be able to handle it or may just run off………… Let me try breaking it down for you, yes you keep asking …HOW ARE YOU?

Life happens, you find yourself almost 40 years old, jobless, businessless, and with no steady income of your own, and yet you have a young dream-filled wife and child to look after, and an elderly mother who always looks up to you to bail them out each time they need some financial help or the time they can't easily reach their children abroad.

What the hell is going on? How did I get here? I had a promising job, bought a nice car, met a lovely girl and married her, set up a home, and everything was rosy. Where did it all go wrong? This little voice inside of my head keeps asking me, I have also asked God, WHY? WHY ME?

I do have some good business ideas but can't seem to quickly and properly implement any one of them to get me out of this sh*t hole I currently feel am in at this moment.
And yes if you are asking, I am always praying about it but am I doing more praying than taking action? Am I being more of a dreamer than a doer? Am I looking and thinking outside the box enough despite the endless job applications and interviews I get that end in me being told how overqualified I am or no response from them at all.

Are you still there? Are you now wishing you never asked that question? Do you regret asking me how I am today? Happy for me? Feel sad perhaps? For me sharing my situation with anyone who asks me how I am each time, takes me back to the gut-wrenching reality that I work and strive tirelessly to get out of. Every waking day I plan, and I plot my next move. I wake up in the middle of a deep sleep covered in sweat and realize my reality.

Ya! I thought so……. Keep your problems or challenges as I like to call them to yourself. We all have our OWN, you are thinking in your mind right this minute! What can of worms did I open? I did not want to know your life story!

Right then my dear readers, enjoy the rest of your day, and next time please put some thought and be present at the moment when you attempt to ask anyone ….HOW ARE YOU?  If you truly wish to know.

By Edward Philip


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