
Showing posts from 2019


Often times we lose someone we are deeply saddened, and then after the #burial with the exception of the immediate #family, everybody moves on so fast with their lives. After attending the burial ceremony of a relative yesterday I feel this death touched me on a more #spiritual level than I have ever #experienced. And as I type this is still very confused about how someone I didn't know very well personally can have such an impact on my life in such a very short time. The only way I can describe this feeling is a Reawakening OR Rebirth. This is how I know this is deeply spiritual for me and I had to write about him this morning,  Dr.   Collins Richard  Kaweesi   Muwayire    was Born in 1977 just one year older than me.  I still can't stop thinking we were on the same floor age-wise yet for him, he had accomplished so much more in his time and really lived life to the fullest. He even left a bigger legacy at just 42 years of age. Spoke 6 languages, had a # Ph . D. in #Horti

God's Hand

Hello My Readers It’s been a while since I posted anything on here but now I guess it’s time!!!!!!!! So we go for our usual antenatal checkup 2 weeks to our deliver date after my wife have a restless night  so went to #NakaseroHospital. As we walk in to see our Doctor he is not so pleased to see how my wife looked so he asks the usual many questions and orders a full blood test for her. When the results come back she had a lot of #Malaria ++++++ and had to be admitted immediately  and put on treatment ASAP to ensure the baby is not affect. Prior to this I was made  Redundant    later after we had just got pregnant she was also made Redundant from her job of 7 year. We thought we had two weeks to pull together more funds and now we are admitted and told the baby has to come out the next day. I was lost for words but quickly gathered myself and started thinking how to raise the 2 million Ugx in 72 hrs assuming she was going to have a natural birth.  All my #friends and