

So today I learned of the sudden death of my Auntie Mrs. Joan Nancy Kigozi in London. As a  #BoyChild  growing up, she was the first woman I noticed how beautiful and well put together a woman should be. She spoke with an air of class always, stood upright while walking, talking and I was always excited to go see her each time my mother suggested we were going to see or meet her. She was also one  of my mother’s best friends and she didn’t hide it to anyone who also knew them girls growing up. There was this one time she asked me and my  #mother  to go out to eat. The place used to be called “Bell Twins” just a few meters from the new Bank of Baroda's main branch. She asked for the menu and guided us through it with my mother because she had been to the place before. I remember it was my first time to taste a sweet and soar dish yet very tasty Pork with Chips. Something I never stopped chatting about to my siblings later on our drive back home in our dad’s Morris Marina car. Aun

How do Unwanted or Abusive BoyChildhood Experiences affect your future Marital Relationship.

As a male preparing for marriage commitment, it is very important to ensure you handle or heal your past hurts, tumors or wounds as a #BoyChild because they will come back to affect you in all your relationship-building in this life.  This is mainly because you won’t be able to fully experience an open and enjoyable intimacy with your future wife developing something Dr. Douglas Weiss calls 'Intimacy Anorexia". This….. “ is a relationship disorder that is marked by a lack of intimacy in a relationship. It occurs when someone in a relationship actively withholds emotional, spiritual, and sexual intimacy from their spouse or partner.  This lack of intimacy harms the marriage, damages the relationship causes pain and loneliness, and impacts the spouse or partner significantly. ” He further explains that one of its major causes is ..”  Sexual Trauma : Sexual trauma is one of the leading causes of intimacy anorexia. It is also a related factor in many addictions and

Good Deeds

When you meet a stranger who needs your help and you can help, always give them that help. When you meet a stranger that needs your support, kindly give them support. When you meet a stranger that needs to be introduced to someone you know, please introduce them. It is from such good deeds that great friends are born that can propel your personal and business relationships to a level you only could once dream off. It is from such great deads that new generation future needed skills to help you better your business growth potential are got for free while others will have to pay for them very expensively. Remember to always say thank you to these persons because as strangers they didn't have to trust you, give you a breakthrough and help you steer your life in the right direction. Good Deeds will always never go unnoticed or unappreciated, whether for a friend, family or complete stranger. “Every sunrise is an invitation for us to arise and bri


Often times we lose someone we are deeply saddened, and then after the #burial with the exception of the immediate #family, everybody moves on so fast with their lives. After attending the burial ceremony of a relative yesterday I feel this death touched me on a more #spiritual level than I have ever #experienced. And as I type this is still very confused about how someone I didn't know very well personally can have such an impact on my life in such a very short time. The only way I can describe this feeling is a Reawakening OR Rebirth. This is how I know this is deeply spiritual for me and I had to write about him this morning,  Dr.   Collins Richard  Kaweesi   Muwayire    was Born in 1977 just one year older than me.  I still can't stop thinking we were on the same floor age-wise yet for him, he had accomplished so much more in his time and really lived life to the fullest. He even left a bigger legacy at just 42 years of age. Spoke 6 languages, had a # Ph . D. in #Horti

God's Hand

Hello My Readers It’s been a while since I posted anything on here but now I guess it’s time!!!!!!!! So we go for our usual antenatal checkup 2 weeks to our deliver date after my wife have a restless night  so went to #NakaseroHospital. As we walk in to see our Doctor he is not so pleased to see how my wife looked so he asks the usual many questions and orders a full blood test for her. When the results come back she had a lot of #Malaria ++++++ and had to be admitted immediately  and put on treatment ASAP to ensure the baby is not affect. Prior to this I was made  Redundant    later after we had just got pregnant she was also made Redundant from her job of 7 year. We thought we had two weeks to pull together more funds and now we are admitted and told the baby has to come out the next day. I was lost for words but quickly gathered myself and started thinking how to raise the 2 million Ugx in 72 hrs assuming she was going to have a natural birth.  All my #friends and


What does even that word really mean?? Does it spells out that’s the end of the road for you or that you have a terminal disease... I kept thinking to myself! Yes you’re the man of the house, yes you have a family of your own, yes you have debts like anybody else, and yes you have lots of dreams and plans for the future. And now here you are made redundant!   You try and put on a brave face for the start but even that, later starts to weather like a flower receiving no sunlight or water. That's when you  think to yourself.. How F**k you really are.   You pray and fast and go to almost all the pray places your told to go with no quick fix like you hoped for in your mind. You forgot that even a planted seed has never germinated over night.... there you realise that only your faith and hope can carry you through this downtime in your life as you struggle  to get back on your fit and be the man you know you can be.   The other only way to beat the gloom is live each day at a


I personally can’t begin to comprehend how these days   I   detest anyone asking me this question as we all carelessly,   unknowingly   use this phrase every day, every second of the day around each other. Because if truly   I   were to tell them how   I really am !   They   will   not   be able to handle it or   may   just run off…………  Let me try breaking it down for you, yes you keep asking …HOW ARE YOU? Life happens, you find yourself almost 40 years old, jobless, businessless, and with no steady income of your own, and yet you have a young dream-filled wife and child to look after, and   an   elderly mother who always looks up to you to bail them out   each time they need some financial help   or   the time they can't easily reach their children abroad. What the hell is going on?   How did I get here? I had a promising job, bought a nice car, met a lovely girl and married her, set up a home, and everything was rosy. Where did it all go wrong?   This little voice i